1) The Tarot is part of the Occult Arts. Occult means hidden. Hidden does not mean obscure or shadowy, it means it is deliberately put out of sight, and in this case, the purpose of hiding is to keep from the unworthy to protect them and others from harm from their misuse of it. So, do not share your knowledge, gifts, or powers (or give guidance for how to find or develop them) to anyone until you are satisfied, they will not use it for evil. They must also be of sound mind and body, as well as intellectually capable of understanding the teachings, and they must also be clean in their moral character and in their physical habits. They must not just be able and willing to do the necessary work, but eager to do it. So you must choose slowly enough to choose wisely. 

2) You must never use your knowledge, gifts or powers to manipulate, trick, cheat, frighten, ridicule, or demean others, or be party to anyone else using them for such purposes. You may charge for the work you do, but you may not charge exorbitant fees, or extort extra fees through promising to forestall threats of impending harm. You must  never reveal private information about clients to anyone, from whatever source the information comes. You must never use private information to make a profit, e.g., blackmail or insider trading, or to gain any social or ego advantage.

3) You must never claim knowledge, powers, or gifts you do not actually possess. As a corollary, if you begin to think you have special superpowers that other people do not possess, it is your responsibility to stop being so suggestible by your own ego (or others’ flattery), and get back down to the right size.  If you do possess some special powers, they are not meant to be used for your self-aggrandizement and/or profit, but for the betterment of the world. If you misuse them, you will lose them.

4) When you use your knowledge, gifts, and powers, you must always use them only for the best of intentions, regardless of how your clients or friends may wish you to use them. Your purpose is to serve others: to bring understanding to the confused; relief to the suffering; correction to the mistaken, misled, and misguided; calm to the panicked; harmony to the warring; and rebuke to the evil. 

5) Never flatter clients with suggestions that they have qualities you know they do not have, that you do not know they have. Do not tell them they have “psychic” abilities, and neither confirm nor deny they have any “special” qualities, talents, or abilities when they claim they do have them. It is great to suggest methods for better health and use of cognitive faculties, such as meditation, creative visualization, prayer, etc. Do not tell a client there is a curse on them, a ghost in their house, angelic or dead loved ones visiting them, or suggest any kind of psychic “attackers” like demons, elementals, vengeful spirits, alien abductors, etc.

6) For your own well-being: Never go through with a reading if you do not feel absolutely comfortable with it, for any reason, even if you just feel too tired. Do not continue reading for anyone who makes you uneasy. If you feel threatened, make up a reason the session must end immediately, and never accept payment from anyone if you cut short the reading. No one ever regrets acting on their instincts or intuition, but they always regret not acting on such feelings if something bad happens. It is also your responsibility to watch over your own property when strangers are in your space. Pay special attention to your Tarot cards.

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